Thursday, March 29, 2007

Maybe it's enough?

last nite a person who i believe is one of the smartest people in the planet told me
"Maybe being you is enough....."

felt like a tear ready to roll on my cheek, --sigh-- except there's a dirty old guitar playing an off key tune right on my right ear.

These words were said when i was at the lowest point of low.
Ready to give up coz i notice the score board of my life showed that the world wins by a landslide 10 to 0 against me... ... suddenly there a person saying --maybe being me is enogh to get through everything--

being stupid little old me is enough...
either she's laying it on thick
or maybe i could get through this by being me..
maybe the world need a rejected items like me to balance the world.
Hey people can't be all smart, pretty and lucky, right?

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