Thursday, September 16, 2010

just me being stupid, pissed off and lost a friend... (i think)

don't want to be a party pooper here, but is it really enough?

moving but getting no where is just a waste of energy. Screaming to action but gets no where is justifying the need to stand out.

what is hope really mean? does change really happens? you show me reaction, then i'll believe what you are doing is action!

how do we deal with problems? by facing it, not by parading... parades are for beauty queens and politicians

we've been tiptoeing around problems for too long. lets be a man and face the bloody thing in the face and get everything straight!

lost respect lost hope lost everything except life, been victimize for far too long, do really want to ask respect from me?

in some point in life, you really have to surrender and believe all the lies just to stay sane...but, i haven't reach that point yet..

then they all slowly fade away weary of the fight, a man is meant to roam alone coz never i see two heads that hold one meaning.

i can't say sorry, because i'm not. 
i'm not dwarfing your thoughts and hope 
is just i'm tired of being sitting in the hope wagon and finding out that that there's no hope, there never were.... 

if there's a need to utter sorry, it's only because... 
it was you at the other side of the war
and for that i am sorry... 



ric ky said...

well, there's no hope ... it's about whether it's possible or not ... so make possibilities till it's impossible

detta aryani said...

never knew hope.. and i can't believe what i can't see... on the other hand impossibility is always just around the corner... and i knew him too well to believe otherwise...