a question still lingers in my head after last night...
Does all the suffering worth the single moment of happiness that she gave you?
"till now, I still can't take the YES that you gave me as the answer......
damn, why do all the nice people I know have to suffer so bad?
now I am wondering, does it pay to be such a good person....
but it pays being sincere
i hope that's true, yah.... :)
Wah dett, kalau gak suka YES coba kamu dengerin QUEEN deh. kalo gak sekalian Bob Marley, pasti lo jadi seneng :)
QUEEN lagunya selalu sedih, jadi ndak pernah jadi pilihan pertama..
Kalau om bob, pasti selalu asik... hehehe....
Bob marley..OK. bob tutupoli... OK. Bob Firmansyah.. jepret dulu :)
Ada band namanya No nggak ya?
YES dan NO.
YES itu band jaman dulu banget YESS sih lebih tepatnya.. hehehe untuk orang2 yang masih terlalu muda untuk tahu YES itu apa.. eh bener ndak mas marhaenis... :)
its true kok,,, its about the time aja,,, Tuhan kan gak pernah tidur =)
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