Monday, March 20, 2006

selamat pagi!

akhirnya gue kerja juga...
the fun part of getting to work is watching others going to work...

i read somewhere that in Japan, people are so in to little bits of gadget coz they are so mobile and need a bit more efficiency in their life... the example given in that article was about a pack of girls owning a set of hair maintainance gadget in small size and were doing their hairdos in the corner table of a fast food restaurant with the set... (talk about doing something fast huh?)

i recalled laughing at the thought of it...
but TERNYATA.....
Jakarta is not far from Tokyo.....
coz this morning i just saw a kid listening to the radio while riding on the back of a motorcycle eating her breakfast .....and can you believe it... singing a long to the song?

i guess we are not that far from seeing a private hair salon in the comfort of a fast food restaurant...


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