tadi malem, untuk ketiga kalinya, gue menonton film Little Manhattan (2005).. hehehe.. dari tertegun mendengarkan salah satu kutipannya.. Kali ini.. karena lagi buntu mikirin satu artikel yang nggak kunjung kelar (padahal sudah deadline)... gue tulisin aja yah.. biar kalian semua bisa ngerasa sedikit tergugah dan tersenyum sendiri ...
Love isn't about ridiculous little words..
Love is about grand gestures ..
Love is about ...
airplanes pulling banners over stadiums,
proposals on jumbo-trons,
giant words in sky writing
Love is about going that extra mile even if it hurts, letting it all hang out there..
Love is about finding courage inside of you that you didn't even know was there...
love is......
hm... there's no definition about love,
it's just simply being there
a... jadi serius ibu olivetemben...
love is suppose to be funny, crazy and stupid...
jadi kalau masih mikir definisi pasti tentang cinta, pastinya tidak sedang dilanda cinta... kutipan ini gue ambil karena ngeliat betapa seorang anak berumur 9 tahun beradu argumen dengan cinta...
dan lo liat sendiri definisi cintanya jadi seru dan cihuy gitu...
Love is a many splendorous things
Love lifts us up where we belong
All you need is love
-Moulin Rouge (a personal favorite)
love is an ugly terrible business
practice by fools
it's shatter your heart and leave ou bleeding on the floor
and what is really get you in the end?
nothing but a view incredible memories that you can't never shake.
(masih dari little manhattan)
suka juga kan roti gambang sama film ini....
eh it's just a movie, tauuu (cross posting dari entri alasan no 1 kenapa orang harus punya temen curhat)
maksuk akiuuu yang ini, ta. menggambarkan sisi gelapnya cinta. haalaaaah.......
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