Monday, September 24, 2007


I just forgot your bday.... (again... as usual)
I didn't do it on purpose, really. Is just tough for me 2 remember bdays.....not just yours, but everyones I knew....

I don't know why, but i really can't remember birthdays... phone numbers.. names... and all the bits of information that some people tend to do, when they're friends....
I guess i never thought that those things are important..
being friends means you are there for other when they needed you the most...
not just the ability to remember the dates of their birth...

... "it's not always about what you think 'Ta," a friend of mine told me after she reminded me that i forgot your bday....

"Yeah, I know," I said mumbling my apology...sigh...
    that friend said that shows my lack of concern for you
"Really?" i asked
   "Yes," she said with a straight face
yeah... my bad..... i'm sorry...

so Happy Bday my friend...
I know that you're having a tough time rite now..
and me forgetting ur bday doesn't help at all (so a friend told me)
but i do really care..
(although I have no clue how i could help you get through this complicated problem of yours....)

please still call me a friend....
Happy  Bday....

hiks2 sedih banget tulisan ini,ya.. hehehe.. ndak gue banget...
kalau mau protes, layangkan saja ke temen gue yang bikin gue mikirn ttg ultah semaleman kemarin. hehehe.. you know who you are, teman! :)

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