Monday, May 12, 2008


it's no secret that i hate secrecy...
i don't like the idea not knowing something before hand,
i feel so insecure not knowing what's ahead
...maybe that the reason why my life is no fun (?)

but this past month, i learn that growing up means that you need to learn to keep secrets...
secrets about your thought, your plans, your feelings..
all those things should be lock up tight in a box, where nobody could touch...

i also learn to not be so surprise, listening to what people think, what people are planning to do and what people are feelings...

i kindda don't like being a grown up, right about now..

coz, what good does it do when you have thoughts, plans and feelings, if you can't share them? it is what you are, and you shouldn't be ashame of sharing it....

if it's wrong, fine... you are still young and you are still learning about the ways of the world.. and if you are right (though i don't believe that there's right or wrong in thought...) then is good to share them to the rest of the world.. so we can understand each other better...

or is it just because i kindda miss my best friend (who's million miles away now), whom i could the tinniest thing without being scared of losing the friendship...

=hey, is just me trying to keep up my existance, by writting something somewhat personal=
"saya tipiskan selimut yang menutupi eksistensi saat ini, teman...semoga ndak keberatan, bos"


Imelda Suryaningsih said...

:) semua akan indah pada waktunya. hehehehe...

Prast Lampard said...

Ciyaelaaaah... Mbak IS, INDAH PADA WAKTUNYA, itu sih judul lagu terbaru Delon Idol feat. Irene.

Imelda Suryaningsih said...

kerja dong, prasetyo. ngelembur malah ngempi :p

detta aryani said...

gokil! kok kita sering lembur yah belakangan ini, ada apa yah?

Imelda Suryaningsih said...

karena mo cuti hari senin :p

detta aryani said...

wah... senang.. cuti!!!!! mau mau mau.....

Prast Lampard said...

Lo aja kaleeeee.... gue nggak!!!!!
(menirukan Ruben Onsu, Ivan Gunawan, Eko Patrio & seluruh orang di studio Indosiar dalam acara SUPER SOULMATE di Indosiar setiap Senin s/d Rabu jam 18:00 WIB sampai selesai, biasanya jam 1 dinihari)

Gue mah lembur nggak cuma belakangan ini, tapi sering!
Hampir tiap pekan ';--))

rachma wati said...

gak gue banget tuh Det,
secara yah gue gak seneng pake selimut! huehehehe...

btw anyway busway.. gue dah chatting ma sahabat loooo =))

detta aryani said...

cie.... cetting ni ye... jaman kuliah banget seh.... :)
selamat bahagia, bu...
semoga temen gue bisa jadi temen lo juga... lho (?)

Shinta Kertasari said...

Huahahaha dalem beneeerrr curhatnya :P

Prast Lampard said...

Bukan cuma dalem, tapi tenggelem deh, Mbak Shin... ';-//

rachma wati said...

temen doang ya?... :))

detta aryani said...

yah.. kecuali kalau keadaan berkata lain.. :)
gue ngak mau nduluin nasib sih, wa...