Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yes, I am that strange! (warning : the content may be harmful)

one friend called me a geek due to the fact i googled almost everything concerning my life...
one friend called me weird due to the fact that I don't have the energy to make up a lie
one friend called me simply irrisistable, but we wont  get to that in this entry ... hehehhe...

well, anyway...
today i'm sure i will get a new label for simply being me...

this is the story....
my office just embbeded a new system, in which our job are measured by tokens that we collected after doing a job. Some jobs are worth more than others, and at the end of the year, these tokens --after they are accounted for-- shows how much bonus we can have.

is really a simple and logical system... but somehow.. just somehow.... --guess the reason why people called me weird-- i'm sadden with the thought of it...

i know that the reason people work is for money, but when seeing it like that, i feel powerless.. i feel like those vending machine that will give you soda when you pop a coin in.... arghhhhhhh..... I'm doing something not because i want to but because there's a hefty reward behind it...

not trying to sound such a goodie two shoe, but i do feel very very sad... :(
huh....the bitter taste of capitalism lingers in my mouth and i just cant spit it out....


irina lune said...'s just a job they say....but me myself and i still trying to regain that once-was-this-work-is-much-more-than-just-a-job (fun, learn, fun, learn, fun....)
lah jd curhat...

Imelda Suryaningsih said...

salah sih kalau loe menilainya jadi seperti itu.
buat gue, sistem itu cuma bikin kerja gue jadi lebih terarah. gue punya work plan, gue tahu dan selalu diingatkan mana yang perlu gue kerjakan. gue gak perlu ngerjain semuanya, atau sesuatu yang bukan kerjaan gue :p
bukan soal uang atau reward apa yang akan gue dapat kalau berhasil memenuhi target gue itu, tapi lebih ke soal kepuasan gue karena bisa mencapai target itu.
it's not all about the money. lagipula, berapa juga sih pertambahan uang yang bisa gue dapet kalau target itu terpernuhi? percaya deh, gak berasa :))

detta aryani said...

salah? benar? well gue kira tidak ada yang salah dan benar.. hanya ada pendapat A dan pendapat B...

serny olive said...

but you still love the job that you're doing?
not all about the money, but everyone need an appreciation of their achievement, don't they? (aren't you?)
and this system is the way how company (think to) appreciate of what you've been doing.

detta aryani said...

i do love it, is just the system made me think about my work in a different kind of light....and i don't know whether it could be called as an appreciation...

serny olive said...

so.. if you owned a company with over 500 staff that working with you, how would you like to appreciate their work?

detta aryani said...

good money, so that they wont have to work side jobs...

serny olive said...

I mean the system, how you defined the amount of money that will you pay? And how to create a career which (should be) motivated them?

detta aryani said...

kayanya ini alasannya gue ndak py perusahaan deh... poin gue cuma mau bilang gue ngerasa ndak enak aja dengan sistem ini... bukan berarti gue bilang sistem ini jelek,,... cuma gue merasa di dehumanisasi aja... sesederhana itu.. dan gue ndak pernah bilang sistem kapitalisme itu buruk (karena gue ndak percaya baik buruk, salah-benar).... gue cuma merasa sedih... selesai.....