Tuesday, November 10, 2009

simply you

from the way you make my coffee
to the socks you picked out for me
I know you don't think much of it
but those little things makes me happy

i know how much sugar you take
and the long list of things you hate
I'm not trying to impress you by this
but knowing it brings a smile to my face

it simply makes me happy
just to sit, stand and stare at you
i'm not trying to say I love you
just telling you how happy i am when around you

don't over analyze
though I'm sure that's what you'll do
this is just a stupid and silly way to say
thank you for simply being you...

*buat firman untuk nyicil segala janji gue ke dia, bagaimana?*


Ajeng Dee said...

mana det... I miss the dwarf neh

rendy imandita said...

ahhh coffee goods for deadline ya det

detta aryani said...

@ajeng... kurcacinya lagi mau bikin lirik2 aja hehehe
@imandita : a great guy is the perfect remedy for deadline :)

rendy imandita said...

yang flower boys ditolak am advd player gue. jadi tadi malam baru nongton old miss diary. lebay berad huehehehe

detta aryani said...

seru kan tapi!!!! * maksa * tapi si film 1 itu kudu tongtons sifatnya .. beli DVD baru kek hehehehe

rendy imandita said...

...demi nonton dvd 7000 beli player yang 300 ribu yak.....
benar2 pertukaran yang setara huahahahah

detta aryani said...

hehehe.. demi kebahagiaan hati... hehehe.. DVD player lo kemahalan sih, ren :)