Sunday, November 29, 2009

way back when...

is funny how we find words to say to each other 
when we can't see each other faces 
is funny how we manage to just really listen 
when all we do is type things that we want to say 
is funny how we express more emotion 
when the emoticon pops on our screen 

remember the days when words don't mean a thing 
and all we did was lay under the sun 
hold hands and listened to the wind that predicts the future? 

remember the days when all we do 
is take a car trip to no where 
and just enjoy each other smile?

now we need words 
to tell stories about our day 
to show the emotion that haunts our soul 

now all we see is just a picture on our profiles 
that can never show your wrinkle 
nor the white hairs you've grown 

life was simple back then 
we were simple back then 

and love was only that 4 little words 
we read on romance books 
that always come with a happy ending... 

-untuk kopi dan kurcaci- 


Candra Aditya said...

ih cute

detta aryani said...

er... not exactly the comment i was hoping for, but.. thank you.. :)

Candra Aditya said...

hahaha,.... lha emang cute aku ngebayanginnya