Thursday, December 03, 2009

3 'i love you's

i love you, you said
thinking that's what she longs to hear

i love you, you said once again
not knowing why she steps back and watches you with a hurtfull stare

i love you, you said with more determination
thinking her actions are signs of uncontrollable happiness...

why 'i love you'? she asked trying to stop a tear drops on her face
what did love ever do to you,  that you use the word in such disrespectful way?
do you not know what love is? she asked as she flee to the door and never came back

love --for her--
is not a word to describe your eagerness to kiss her
to bed her
to smell her hair in a warm embrace
or simply
to get rid of the label single in your status

love --for her--
simply means knowing someone
up to a point where you feel that you are a better person
with that someone by your side..

you have hurt her
by simplifying her definition of love...
ah, boy...
you've got to know her a little more
coz if love is merely a word
she wouldn't have wait this long to find one...


Jia e said...

me likey!

detta aryani said...

terima kasih! hehehe....

Ajeng Dee said...

ah detta... *tersipu*

detta aryani said...

ajeng, itu memang buatmu! hehehe....

Ajeng Dee said...

kiss kiss and squeeze squeeze detta!

detta aryani said...

dearest ajeng: sepertinya kita harus ketemu dan nulis bareng tentang sesuatu... aku gregetan mau nulis soal kejadian-kejadian yang bikin gregetan .. wahahaha .... :)

Ajeng Dee said...

let's meet... Before the twentieth of december because i'm gonna be very busy. hahahaha...

detta aryani said...

minggu depan yah? 14,25,16,17... masa kosong sebelum deadline menggila... :)

Ajeng Dee said...

woookeeee... i'll check on my schedule ^^