Tuesday, April 08, 2008


i got home late last nite and found a letter addressed to me from my publisher. It turned out that one of my novel is gonna be turned into a phonovel... mmm... phonovel is a concept that my pub. made that turned your ordinary novel (printed ones i mean) into digital form (is this the correct word?) that enables readers to read the novel from their wireless.. mmmm... an interesting idea....

reading the letter once again before i turn out the light last nite.. i thought about a teacher of mine saying something like this "change of form consequently made changes in content" .. i remember him saying this when KOMPAS made a big change in their design...and we were in midst of heavy discussion whether KOMPAS re-design will effect the way news are produced in the biggest newspaper in Indonesia.

well, anyway... that thought made me wonder whether i have to do some re-writing.. well it turns out not...

suddenly i miss the old days .. where reading a big old book and smell of old papers made me wanna curl up in the biggest sofa and just read... guess kids today aren't like that, the prefer reading from a small screen while walking and laughing with friends....ahh... time really flies so fast....

i  remember the days when my 4th grade teacher sat in a chair in the middle of the class, and we all got to sit on the carpet... then she began to read  chapter from a big book that  she picked.. and discussing it with us about that chapter until the bell rang... those were the days.. still clear in my head the memory of her reading to us a mistery book, a chapter at a time.... and discussing 'who did it' everytime a chapter ends... hehehe.. those were the days when i wished really hard that the bell wouldn't ring so soon...

and I also remember being in a special writing class with 4 other people. the special writing class wasn't a ussual class that uses classroom.. but the 4 of us got the previllage to use the whole freaking library as our class room! and all we do is write.. write.. write... in the midst of all that  books... gosh... i really missed the days when writing is  simply for the purpose of writing....

i miss all that... i wish that i haven't grown up so i could enjoy all those forever.. hiks...
it's getting harder and harder to smile now...only happy memories like this made me survive another day...  (5-1 untuk dunia.. hell, y'win again!)


rachma wati said...

ayo Det hajar, kalahkan!

aku eLmo kamu siapa said...

waaa ... Detta nulis novel yaa?
sama dong, Det!
lagi taraf menyempurnakan cover nih! kita sama2 berjuang ya!

detta aryani said...

thanks atas semangatnya.. udah kalah 5 satu dan memasuki injury time.. rasanya bakal kalah nih...

detta aryani said...

yup.. sedang dalam proses nulis yang ketiga.. yang kedua sedang duduk manis dan mengumpulkan debu di meja publisher selama dua tahun terakhir ini! ahhhhh.... stress.. berasa punya bayi di inkubator.. hiks....

aku eLmo kamu siapa said...

waaahh .. seru! gue juga udah kirim2 ke penerbit yg "wajar" ditolak mulu, akhirnya ke penerbit indie. ihihhihiii ...

Imelda Suryaningsih said...

kan msh punya notebook andalan loe itu, ta

detta aryani said...

yup.. dan sekarang waktunya nyari baru nih.. karena sudah mau habis yang lama.. hahahahaha.....

Dora Theodora said...

lu terlalu sering berpikir kaya gini ta...ntar beneran loh!!!
Hell you can win!
Ayo Det hajar, kalahkan! (nyontek dari "wawati" :p)

detta aryani said...

wah ada yang baru baca THE SECRET nih.... :)

Imelda Suryaningsih said...

itu artinya detta orang yang konsisten. kan dia selalu mengklaim dirinya sebagai negative person :))

detta aryani said...

hahaha... that sounds positive.. hehehe... padahal bapak gue bilang gue orang yang ironis...

Dora Theodora said...

salah bukan baca....otak gw ga kuat kalo bukan novel!
nonton dvdnya ajah (bajakan pula!) :p

rachma wati said...

eleuh eleuh... negative person.. ironis... ck ck ck..
lo emang kudu ketemu banci Det,
biar bikin lo ketawa.. hihihi

rachma wati said...

eh gak boleh nyontek Mas :D

detta aryani said...

cinta gue sama temen lo yang satu itu.... "Ngak seru, ntar deh gue bikin lumba-lumba keluar loncat dari tomyam ini!" wahahaahaha.. untuk beberapa detik gue mendapati diri gue memandangi mangkok tomyam nya untuk menunggu lumba-lumba keluar!

rachma wati said...

hihihihi.. begitulah dia..
selalu spektakuler kalo komentar..
he's a woman best friend.. indeed!

detta aryani said...

kok yang begitu itu ndak bisa jatuh cinta ama gue yah.... hahahaha....

rachma wati said...

nah ni die deh, gue gak tau..
tapi moga2 sih bisa.. hehehe

detta aryani said...

hehehe.. tetep di doain... ye....

detta aryani said...

hehehe... semua orang yang bersentuhn dengan benda itu tiba2 punya alasan untuk me'lurus'kan hidup gue ...(eh ini bukan elo sih dora! maksud gue :))

Dora Theodora said...

That's because we love you!!!
Awwwww.....terharu ga det? hehehe :p

detta aryani said...

hehehehe.... mmmm.... ngak tuh... biasa aja, hehehe abis ngak ada yang 180 jago maen gitar sih.. wakakakakakak... (eh btw ini becanda lho! tapi lucu banget jadi gue doyan ngulang2inya)