oh boy...
writing this entry is a de ja vu for me... about 2 weeks ago i was faced with somewhat similar situation where my past cought up with me and last weekend it happened again... is life trying to tell me something?
well, the story goes like this...
friday nite...
after spoting the people i'm meeting for yet another friday nite bash, i walked up to a face that is vaguely familiar.. "Ah.. you looked like a teacher at my uni," state a voice in the group. Damn... she was my student, but seeing her uncertainty i only answered with a smile.. there's nothing worse than being known as the teacher to one of the people in the crowd you wanna spend the nite with... i thought i have settled the matter smoothly.....
but i spoke too soon... while carying my dinner tray to the table... that girl looked at me very hard... "Yeah, I'm sure.. you looked exactly like my teacher.. are you certain you never tought at my uni?" Flabergasted... my cover is thrown.. i gotta come clean... "Yes, I did," sheepishly i admit... damn.. and after that she called me "ibu detta"..... mmmmm....
saturday nite
refusing to be home alone, i spent my saturday nite at a wedding reception with my family. the mother of the bride is my mother best friend since way back when... (that ment all of us knew her very very well) .. the party was great, we met a lot of old friends.. but what happened next kinnda put me off track. "Hey, Ibu Detta, whatchadoing?" a question startled me.... Man, enough with the ibu stuff! I feel ancient! but i kept my mouth shut and smile... after a bit of small talk, we said goodbye.. with my brother still trying to hide his laughter due to that encounter..
but my pathetic life story doesn't end there.. while waiting for my car to pick me up in the loby... again, i hear this.... "Ibu Detta......." said two voices in unison... my i really feel ancient now....
"You have to consider this, before deciding to become a teacher, ndut," I said to my brother in the car afterward... My brother is thinking about teaching part time. My dad laugh at my advice... "Well, it isn't really that bad..." he said "so what if some people will come up to you and say they were your student, it's kindda fun."
i couldn't debate him, for he was a teacher for a very-very long time....and come to think of it, i came from a very long line of teachers... damn... now i got no reason to complain, for teaching is in my blood.. and no matter i hate it now, i know deep down inside i enjoy doing it....
masih mending ya, kalo yang manggil 'Ibu" itu adalah mantan anak murid. lebih males lagi kalo yang manggil "Ibu" adalah sopir taksi, kondektur atau SPG di mal. loe langsung merasa penampilan loe seperti nyokap loe :(
padahal kan akhyu masih muda loh, belum pantes dipanggil "Ibu" ;)
emang lo beneran pernah jadi guru ato dosen yak?..
ngajar apa?..
wahaha 4 tahun gue ngajar bahasa Inggris untuk anak2
dan 2 tahun gue berstatus dosen komunikasi dengan mata kuliah negosiasi dan public speaking, 1 tahun untuk anak D3, 1 tahun lagi untuk anak ekstention...
whahahahaa... kacau ngak tuh,.... murid gue, maksudnya,...
anjrit, keren pisan!
dimana lo ngajar?..
trus napa berhenti?..
biasanya kalo orang yg manggil gue"Ibu" gue bales balik panggil dia Ibu/Bapak ga peduli penampilannya kaya abg ato apa. hauhahuhauuahuauauhau!! *ketawa stres*
kalo udah bete ingin rasanya nyerang: "heh, gue ama elo tuaan siapa sih panggil2 Ibu??" ato "gue belom setua elo tau sampe dipanggil Ibu!"
alhamdulillah belom terlaksana. *kedip kedip inosen*
anjrit! kaget gue, lo bilang ini keren....
hahaha ngajar D3 di sebuah lembaga pendidikan XX... untuk ngegantiin temen gue... gara2 BU untuk beli buku kuliah, jadi gue ngajar2 becanda gitu deh... stlh lulus kuliah, sayang ilkom ndak dimanfaatin gue ngajar di kampus bilangan Cikini... hehehehe.... yang tempat anak (temen lo itu kuliah)
berhenti? wah ndak ada waktu.. mungkin akan mulai lagi in the near future :)
ada yang mau nawarin? hehehe
lah bener, itu keren.. gue aja mo begitu gak bisa2..
pengen banget padahal berbagi ilmu gitu..
Ibu Dhettaaaa.....!
daripada dipanggil dek? kacauan mana? :P
temen gue pernah dipanggil interview untuk sebuah lembaga penelitian ternama.. ujian masuknya adalah diskusi terbuka, nah saat itu dia yakin ndak bakal diterima saat di sadar bahwa ketua diskusi itu terus2an memanggilnya 'dik'.. hehehehehe
hhehehe,,, setelah sekian lama dipanggil miss detta, ibu detta terkesan naik pangkat gue... :)
Hahahaha!! Lucu banget. Gw bukan mau ngetawain panggilan "Ibu" nya, tapi gw lagi ngebayangin ekspresi lu sepanjang malem ketemu sang murid-murid! I wish I was there :)
Tapi bener keren kok det, gw juga pengen banget bisa ngajar.
Tapi sekolah SD, jadi pulangnya cepet & liburnya panjang . Hehehehe :p
yoi .. apalagi yang internasional2 gituh.... duitnya gede banget ,... hehehehe.. (bagi seorang buruh kapitalis yang manis yang mungkin baca blog ini... ini becandaan, babe! )
sayang gue orangnya bosenan... jadi kalo suruh jadi guru dengan segala kemapanan itu, gue pasti cepet stress -kaya sekarang kaga aja---)
aduh, detta kebanyakan kerjaan yak? :p
ngaku juga lo kalo gue manis.. =)
hahaha... harus elu ya? :)
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