Monday, October 15, 2007

me and midnight1

tadi malem begadang ngeberesin tugas kantor --eh lagu ini nyelonong di alat pemutar musik gue.. walhasil jadi terpaku sejenak membiarkan rasa berlarian liar menguasai raga... (makasih elvis! baru tadi malam gue sadar liriknya dasyat banget)

Are you lonesome tonight
do you miss me tonight
Are you sorry we drifted apart
Does your memory stray to a bright sunny day
When I kissed you and called you sweetheart
Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare
Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there
Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight


Toto Suharyanto said...

Bener tadi malem sendirian tho..? Ech..., salam kenal dulu ya...

detta aryani said...

salam kenal juga, pak....
tadi malem rame2 nongkrong barengkompie, kamar dan that damn music player.. hehehe...