Tuesday, March 10, 2009

are you sure, babe?

are you really really sure about this, babe?
is not just something that pops up in your head while taking a shower this morning?
if you are sure, then I'm game...
although if you asked me for my opinion
i would shrug and say... I have no idea
but as long it's a you-and-me-thingy i have no objection

then...... lets jump!


Ajeng Dee said...

let's jump!!!
det, dimana lo?
wanna jump around till 3?

detta aryani said...

yeah.. you jump i jump lah.. jam 3 wah.... tulang2 tua gue udah ndak kuat 'dik!

Ajeng Dee said...

mksd gw dr skrg smp jam 3 sore

detta aryani said...

tadi malem abis nongkrong ampe jam 1.. setelah 3 hari jadi buruh di Java Jazz... hari ini tinggal ngantuk dan malesnya doang nih...

Ajeng Dee said...

make it tomorrow deh, hehehe...

detta aryani said...

besok.. boleh... bisa... besok confirm lagi yah...