that sentence up there frighten the h*l outta me... not that i don't want to be remembered, is just that sometimes other people's memory of me made me think about who the h**l i really am...
oh, i remember you.. you are the one who got into an argument with our lecturer in front of the class and shouted all those words in english! BTW great english, man!
.... that's a message i received this morning...
oh, i wouldn't forget about you. I thought would be galloping all over the world being a journalist since i always saw you sitting in a quiet spot at school and scribbling stuff in your note book
.... that's a comment spoken by an ex-highschool mate
oh, one thing i remember about you is the time you beg the security guard at blok m plaza to let you in, because you really hungry and wanted a bite to eat
... that's a note from a friend in one of my sites
see.. people tend to remember me in this zanny, bizzare moment in my life... and with that they painted a picture of me.. which is zanny, bizzare and crazy...
which that's not who i am...
i'm just a simple person....
bukannya orang cenderung ingat seseorang jika diasosiasikan dengan sesuatu? contohnya ya kejadian aneh yang membuat keberadaan seseorang itu unik dalam ingatan dia :) so you are unique. hehe..
ndak mau jadi unik.. mau jadi lucu dan sederhana.. hahahaha...
ihihi.. (ndak tau mo bales ngomong apa :P)
temen gue pernah bilang:
orang yang sederhana, tidak akan bilang dirinya sederhana
I remember you...mmmm...(kagak bisa boso inggris buat nerusinnya mbak ;p)
Hal yang akan selalu gw inget dari lu adalah...mmm...oiya..oiya! suka nyampur2 boso londo sama bahasa indonesia dan abis itu bingung sendiri tadi abis ngomong apa! Hahaha!!
I think that's funny dan sederhana in a weird way (hei!! gw ketularan lu det! ;p)
tepat mengenai sasaran :D
see.. my point exactly.... gue ndak ngerasa ini lho.... emang paling takut sama kata.. ah, gue inget lo....
mate deh gue
yang paling gue inget dari detta...
tampangnya yang langsung berubah tegang dan kenceng abis setiap kali gue ngasih kerjaan. jadi merasa bersalah... kadang-kadang :))
gue sederhana... yang rumit itu seluruh dunia!
aiiiih si bos imel........
nah, ini gue ngerasa.. padahal udah berusaha gue tutupi2i... tapi lebih parah kalau... tulisan gue kudu ditulis ulang.. mau nangis rasanya... perasaannya waduh ndak enak banget, ngasih kerjaan ngedit ulang ke sepatuungu.. hehehe
eh btw, ooo,.. tampang lo itu maksudnya merasa bersalah ya... hahahah... kirain gue 'ya ampyun detta, kok salah mulu kerjanya..."
gue suka kalimat ini.... *ngakak guling2*
hihihihi... dasar si bos mah... :P
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